Friday, December 17, 2004

Book Review - The Cross He Bore

The Cross He Bore
F.S. Leahy
Banner of Truth

“Gethsemane is not a field of study for our intellect. It is a sanctuary of our faith. Lord, forgive us for the times we have read about Gethsemane with dry eyes.”

So ends the first of 13 brief, but profound, chapters on the sufferings of Christ. Here is a book to be read unhurriedly, a chapter at a time, and with time to think. It is a book that will deepen your understanding and appreciation of what Jesus went through at Calvary. It will help you grasp the depths of Christ’s suffering, or at least to realise that they are beyond our grasp – what does it mean to be forsaken by God? What did he go through on the cross – this book will help you see beyond the physical suffering.

Prof Leahy brings us back to the cross to fill our hearts with gratitude to the one who “bore our sins in his body on the tree”. This short book of meditations will spur you on in your love for Jesus. It will cause you to praise him with heartfelt thanks. It will show you the awfulness of sin by the immense price that Christ paid that we might be forgiven.

Often as you read it you will find yourself pausing to say, “Thank you, Lord”.

I can’t recommend this book highly enough.

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