Friday, March 18, 2005

Your God is Love (4)

God's love in Salvation is a Secure Love
"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life."

God's love is secure. Sadly, not many people experience secure love today. Children should know the secure love of parents who love their children and love each other. But often children grow up unsure and uncertain about whether their parents love them or love each other. A husband or a wife should be able to rest content and secure in the love of their spouse, knowing that mistakes will be forgiven not allowed to fester.

Lack of security breeds unease and fear and worry. But God's love is secure. Once he takes you in his arms he never lets you go.

This verse tells us that there are only two options available to every human being who has ever lived and will ever live - perish in Hell forever, live in Heaven forever. Those who trust him are secure. They will never perish. God isn't going to give up on you. God is going to let go. He isn't going to wash his hands of you.

His love for you is based on Christ, not on you. He loves you because of Jesus. And his love for his son will never change. So you are secure. Do you struggle to accept that God loves you? Its not because you're lovely, it because Christ is. And because Christ will never stop for a moment being lovely then you are secure. Utterly secure.

That gives us great confidence. When we sin it isn't the end of the world. When we sin we can still look confidently to God's unfailing love. That doesn't mean we can sin cheerfully - that would prove we weren't converted at all, but it means we don't need to sit wondering if God still loves us or not.

And when those times come when God seems far away, or is chastening us as he will do from time to time - what does his love have to say? Doesn't any good father discipline his children if he truly loves them?

God's love is holy. The love of God is no mere attitude of indulgent benevolence. It cannot and will not deny God's holiness. It is stern love: love which desires your highest good: love which holds your eternal perfection and joy more important than your immediate happiness.

God's love is eternal - so you are eternally secure.

God's love is for ever. God does not fall in love and He does not fall out of it. He chose to love you before the foundation of the world and He will love you, just the same, for all eternity. His love is not fitful, it does not change from day to day, it is steady and persistent.

It is everlasting. It keeps on flowing.

Our response to this immense love?

Love Him
What Can You Say?

There is nothing you can say to love like that. Instead, bathe in it, glory in it, immerse yourself in it, feel what it is like to be really loved.

You will adore Him, you will delight in Him, you will long for more of Him: more time in His presence, more knowledge of His Word, more occasions to serve and please Him. You will want to tell everyone you meet about Him: you will not be able to help yourself. You will want to be like Him. Your heart will overflow with so much love that you will pour that love out upon others.

Trust him
Is it true that God is love to me as a Christian? And does the love of God mean all that has been said?

If so, certain questions arise.
  • Why do I ever grumble and show discontent and resentment at the circumstances in which God has placed me?
  • Why am I ever distrustful, fearful, or depressed?
  • Why do I ever allow myself to grow cool, formal, and halfhearted in the service of the God who loves me so?
  • Why do I ever allow my loyalties to be divided, so that God has not all my heart?
(Questions taken from JI Packer - Knowing God)

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