Sunday, March 19, 2006

Letters along the Way

I was listening to the 9marks interview with Carl Trueman the other day. If you haven't listened to it, it's a good listen. He's one of my favourite theologians at present. Somewhere in the middle of it he recommended a book that I had forgotten about, called "Letters along the Way" by John Woodbridge and Don Carson. Its a series of letters written from an older Christian to a younger Christian, from teh time of the conversion of one until the passing of the other.

I don't know much about Woodbridge, other than the fact that he has collaborated with Carson a number of times. Carson on the other hand is probably one of my favourite writers, and there is a wealth of material in these letters, all presented in a most accessible format.

I was so taken with it at the time that I created an index. Here it is for anyone who wants it. You'll see from the index what sort of topics they covered.


1 Cor 3 26

Adams, Jay 107
Agnosticism 79
AIDS 254
Alcohol 89
Assurance 21

Backsliding 70
Books for new Christians 12
Buddha 214
Building each other up 229
Burden of sin 15
Burn out 229
Buying books 183

Call to the ministry 132
Capitalism 114
Christian Academics/Criticism 173
Christian differences in belief 46
Christian freedom 89
Christianity in France historically 64
Christianity in France today 60
Church discipline 240
Common grace 26
Communism 75, 114
Cultural influence on Scripture 214

Darwin on Trial 271
Death 279
Doing your own thing 122

Eastern Europe 264
Economics 114
Eschatology 222
Evangelism 85, 260
Evangelicalism in the UK 51
Evolution 42

Forgiveness 70

Guilt feelings 142

Heart vs Head 167
Homosexuality 254
Humanism 208

Inerrancy 158
Inspiration 214

Justification 15, 70, 274

Liberalism 200
Liberation theology 194
Lordship 32
Lordship/Saviour 26

Marriage 142
Matter 42

Natural theology 147
New Age 268

Pastoral advice 222
Philosophy 42, 147
Pluralism 179
Post Iron Curtain 268
Prayer advice 258
Priesthood of all believers 229
Priorities 246
Psychiatry, psychology 107

Qualities of a minister 126

Revolution 264

Sexual immorality 70
Social action 89
Sound doctrine 96
Spiritual dryness 96

Temptation 102
Theological colleges 137
Theological training 189
Time management 235

Universalism 79

Women’s ordination 214
Worldliness 122
Worship 250

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